Society Rules


1.     The society will be called The Isla Canela Links Golf Society.

2.     Membership will be open to any person by paying a one off fee of €20 and agreeing to be bound by the Society rules. This fee will be subject to an annual review by the Committee.

3.     A new Captain will be nominated each year by the current Captain and approved by the Committee. The new Captain will then be responsible for selecting a committee of no less than four people (which must include the past Captain) up to a maximum of eight. In the event of there being more than one nomination for Captain or the choice of Captain not being accepted by the committee then a vote of the membership will be held. The vote will be managed by the outgoing Captain and his or her committee.

4.     The committee will be responsible for organising events, matches and competitions for Society members.

5.     The outgoing Captain shall provide to the incoming Captain a set of up to date accounts of Society funds for his or her year and ensure the transfer of Society funds to the incoming Captain.

6.     The funds of the Society will be used at the Committee’s discretion to assist in the running of the Society and for the benefit of all current members.

7.     All competitions and roll ups will be held at Isla Canela Links by Isla Canela Golf Club unless the committee decide to organise a competition or event elsewhere.

8.     All paid up members of the Society will be eligible for all competitions providing they meet any entry criteria introduced for a particular competition from time to time by the Committee

9.     There will be an entry fee for Society competitions, except where the Committee deems no fee is necessary. The allocation of prizes for each competition will be decided on the day by Committee members organising the event.

10.  The Committee are empowered to refuse, terminate or suspend membership. These decisions must be made by a majority vote at a full committee meeting.

11.  All tee times booked by the Society are primarily for use of Society members. However, the Society will always try and accommodate visitors, particularly family and friends of Society members.

12.  Members guests will be welcomed at all events providing sufficient tee times are available and provided they produce a valid handicap certificate to the Committee pior to play. However they are ineligible for prizes other than guest prizes

13.  Qualifying events mean events organized by the Society such as Master’s events, Memorial day and any event written in red in the Competition Calendar on this website

14.  Members must have played in at least three qualifying events in the previous 12 months to be eligible to win a qualifying event prize and have a current Spanish Federation handicap or have a handicap which is regulated by the Committee in accordance with the following rule. This rule does not prevent the Member from playing in a qualifying event and if applicable winning a guest prize (if available) 

15.   For members who do not hold a valid Spanish Federation membership the Committee will accept a

      valid World Handicap System handicap (WHS) for the first time a Member plays in a Society Competition whether it is a qualifying competiton or not. Thereafter that WHS handicap will no longer be valid and the Committee will assign that member a handicap based on their original WHS handicap and supplemented with our own records of their playing ability through Society tournaments (during the past year) in which the member has participated or will participate in. This handicap will be estimated in the same way a WHS handicap is estimated but it will only take into account the original WHS handicap the member used and games played in Spain and Portugal for whch the Committee have records. Should the member return to their home federation the handicap referred to above shall be valid for one year but on the members return to play in Society’s competition a new WHS handicap must be presented to the Committee before play in order that the Committee can consider whether the handicap that has been assigned needs to be adjusted. The Committee’s decision is final


Qualifying competitions (QC) are those highlighted in red on the Competition Calendar page of this web site


1      Anyone can enter a QC but prizes will only be awarded to members who have submitted three QC cards within the previous 12 months and hold a current Spanish Federation membership or a handicap assigned by the Committee in accordance with the rules.

2.       Non qualifying prizes or guest prizes may be awarded at the Committee’s discretion

3. The Committee’s decision is final and no appeal is available